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2025 Lineup for 
TulipTree Review

This year marks our seventh Wild Women issue, and we're going for the laughs again with another Humor issue in the fall:

Spring/Summer: Wild Women issue
Deadline: March 8 / Release: May 15

Fall/Winter: Humor issue

Deadline: October 17 / Release: December 15

We accept submissions year-round for all contests.
​Entries are read as a group after the deadline for each contest.


Wild Women



Grand prize for each contest: $1,000. Contributors for each issue will be paid $50. Additionally, all contributors receive a free copy of the issue in which they appear.

Word Limits
Prose: 10,000 words
Poetry: 5 pages per poem (note: one poem per entry fee)

Entry Fee
$20 per entry. That includes $20 per poem (because every entry has the potential to win the same cash prizes). There is no limit on the number of times you may enter. If you withdraw your entry as noted below, the entry fee is nonrefundable.

Wild Women (Spring/Summer 2025) issue: March 8, 2025
Humor (Fall/Winter 2025) issue: October 17, 2025

If you are mailing in your payment, the entry must be received by the deadline, but payment postmark can be the next day. 

Judging Process & Announcing the Winners
Judging takes place in two rounds. The entries are all read once and given a yes or a no. Because we don't have space limits on this round, our first round of yeses (a.k.a. the semifinalists) can be fairly long. (On average, this usually works out to be approximately the top 30%-33% of entries, and approximately the top 10% are selected for publication.) We will notify entrants when the semifinalists have been posted on the website. From the semifinalists, our Grand Prize winner is selected, as well as the contributors (a.k.a. Honorable Mentions) to that issue. Contributors are contacted directly to obtain permission before pieces are published. Once the winner and contributors have been confirmed, they will be posted on the website, approximately two weeks before the release date. 

Reprints and Simultaneous Submissions
​​Entries for these contests must be previously unpublished material, including self-published or published online, and you must own the copyright. Simultaneous submissions are okay, but if your work is accepted elsewhere it is up to you to notify us. In the event you withdraw your submission, the entry fee is nonrefundable. 

Friends, family, and past or current clients of TulipTree's founder are not eligible to enter TulipTree contests.

Legal Stuff
By entering the contest you are stating and agreeing that (1) the work is your own original work, (2) no one else owns the rights to publish said work, and (3) if you are one of the winners of a cash prize, you grant TulipTree Publishing, LLC (TulipTree) the right to publish said work, unless you withdraw your work prior to TulipTree's announcement of winners.  

TulipTree does not retain rights to your work after we publish it.

How to Format Your Entry - Put Your Name on It

  • Entries should be in a word-processing document (Word, Pages, Google docs, Libre, etc.). PDFs are acceptable for poems only.

  • The title of the document should be the title of your story. 

  • Prose entries should be in standard industry format: 12 pt Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1-inch margins.

  • Poetry format should be 12 pt TNR, but line spacing and margins are open style.

  • Include your name, mailing address, email address, and title on the first page of your story (no separate cover sheet needed).

How to Enter

  1. Purchase your entry fee via PayPal below or mail your payment (cash or money order only) to TulipTree Publishing, PO Box 133, Seymour, MO 65746. Please note in your submission email that you are paying by mail. Note that even if you mail in your payment, you should still email your submission. 

  2. Email your entry as an attachment to jennifer@tuliptreepub.com. You will receive a confirmation email when your entry has been received and logged into our system.  Please note which contest you are entering in the subject of your email.


There is no separate screen or page for uploading your entry after you pay—TulipTree is a very small business and does a lot of things the old-fashioned way, so entries must be emailed (see above). 

​Due to compatibility issues between PayPal and Chrome, Chrome users may need to use the "Buy Now" button. You will receive an automated confirmation email from PayPal directly when your payment goes through. 

Also, if your email is through aol, Verizon, or Yahoo, you probably won't get any emails from @tuliptreepub.com because those providers have issues. Therefore, your announcements may come from our alternate email address of TulipTreePub@gmail.com. In fact, even if you have a different email provider, announcements might still come from TulipTreePub@gmail.com.

Please put your name on your entry, including how you would like it to appear on the website in the event you're a semifinalist.

Please note Venmo is currently not sending payments through. PayPal has been alerted to the issue (3/6/25).  The credit card and regular PayPal payments appear to be working. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Stories change how we see people.